Tuesday, March 28, 2006

The Most Amazing Wedding Ever!!!

Isn't She Stunning?

And a lovely location. Posted by Picasa

Our place!!

This is Madri opening the boxes that our dear friend left us here in the UK!! Thanks Andrea
These are the houndrels we need to look after and take for walks...
Our little place. It's an attachment onto the side of the large house.
The Greenhouse i have to keep alive. Posted by Picasa

First post

Well, this is my first post, so i better introduce what this is all about. I have tried for some time to keep my website up to date, but that is far too much trouble, so i've decided to move over to a more simpler blogspot. So from now on you can read all the news of my life and that of my wife right here. How cool is that??? or even cooler, 'Ist das nicht cool?' in the words of Louise.